प्रचोदनाय — प्रचेतनाय — प्रबोधनाय!
In this journal, I have written – and continue to write – some of the untimely thoughts that have come to me, indeed as they come to all. These are the kind of thoughts, realizations, illuminations that release us from our familiar modes of thinking and force us to venture into the unfamiliar openness of the world. These transformative moments create possibilities for radical change within ourselves as well as for our self-overcoming.
There is only a perspective seeing, only a perspective “knowing”; and the more affects we allow to speak about one thing, the more eyes, different eyes, we can use to observe one thing, the more complete will our “concept” of this thing, our “objectivity,” be.
— Friedrich Nietzsche, The Genealogy of Morals, III.12 (Walter Kaufmann, transl.)
These writings are not ‘objective’ – nor are they meant to be. These are not consolidated ‘opinions’ – nor are they meant to be. These do not claim to portray ‘the truth’ – that fabled ‘singular, correct and true account of things’. Objectivity, as the German genius reflects, is not that God’s-eye-perspective, but an open and willing journey into the multitude of diverse perspectives.
Caveat lector!
सहिष्णु पाराशर्य