Ode to the Poet, #1

This nomadic poet here sees love as the turning of the seasons,
Ebbing and flowing like the tide, in the great oceans of affections.
The search for love, being lovesick, the grief of heartbreak, all these,
These are the fires in which the poet burns incessantly and shines.
Finding love, finding what he seeks, terrifies him: it douses his fire.
The earth fears falling in love with the beautiful spring or the dark winter;
He remains unfinding and unfound, thinking: what then shall he burn for?
In summer, he dreams of autumn; in autumn, he looks to winter;
In winter, he longs for the spring; in spring, he dances for summer.
Truly then, it is the incompleteness that is the soul of the poet:
For only in the incompleteness and the despair, he truly feels love.

For Uma—
Caitra Kṛṣṇā Caturthī,
The 13th of March in 2020 CE.

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