“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts […]”
― William Shakespeare: “As You Like It”
There draws the eventide.
The long night’s darkness is here.
Behold, how fearful their voices sing:
The children of the light await the dawn!
Gloom descends; sorrow overwhelms.
Darkness engulfs; hope, it devours.
Things known become steadily unknown.
Things close become steadily distant.
Things familiar become unfamiliar.
Life passes away, swiftly.
What is real? and what is truth?
Lo, I hear a voice in the wilderness―
“He, whose eyes governs creation
From the highest heavens, he knows―
Or, maybe even he does not know.”
From fire to smoke, from smoke to winds;
From winds to clouds, from clouds to rain;
From rain to earth, from earth to grains;
From grain to oven, from oven to man;
From man to seed, from seed to womb;
From womb to life, from life to death:
― agne naya supathā rāye asmān ―
“Lead us, O Agni, along the path to prosperity!”
There, and back.
There, and back.
Again, and again.
Again, and again.
Behold, ye sorrowful, behold!
The heavens burst with lights!
The winds dance in exultation!
A herald has come:
Hope, he has brought!
Of truth, let this be known:
Let us not be deceived by it!
Upon this humbling hour,
In solitude, a child wonders.
Of him, O Muses, sing:
Homo humilis: man of the earth―
Not to become, but to remain.
O mighty hosts of mightier heaven,
For us, at this august hour, pray:
Forgiveness for errors past,
Benedictions over times to come.
Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Mater dei, ora pro nobis!
May there be peace!
May there be well-being!
Fairfarren, and welcome!
Osnabrück, Pauṣa Kṛṣṇā Caturdaśī
The 31st of December in 2013.