नमः वज्रयोगिन्यै॥
Salutations to the Vajrayoginī!
My self is here no more; so what would I now fear?
The desire for great practices now stands appeased.
O Yogi—do not move away from the path of bliss,
Now that you seem unfettered and bereft of bounds!
Whatever you were before, Yogi, you remain so still,
You dwell now in illusion—not the bliss you think!
You cannot aspire to speak of what is unspeakable,
Just like you cannot find pearls outside the deep sea.
Tāḍaka says—there is no such possibility for you:
All your understanding is but a noose on your neck!
— Mahāsiddha Tāḍakapāda, c. 8–10th c. CE, eastern India
(Caveat: See this note on this type of poetic translation.)