नमः वज्रयोगिन्यै॥
Salutations to the Vajrayoginī!
To the mind that wanders, hither and thither—
Whose rosaries are but parchment and lore—
How can that wisdom be spoken to him, I ask,
Of the secret that unites body, speech, and mind?
The Guru comes and advises the disciple:
Of what is inexpressible, how shall I teach?
Whatever I tell you, you topple and distort,
The Guru sighs, for his disciple is like the deaf.
Kānha says: how do the conquerors speak of it?
Just like the mute Guru to the deaf disciple would.
— Mahāsiddha Kāhnupāda, c. 8–10th c. CE, eastern India
(Caveat: See this note for this kind of poetic translation.)