नमः वज्रयोगिन्यै॥
Salutations to the Vajrayoginī!
Neither being remains nor non-being persists:
Who here indeed comprehends in such a way?
Lui says—that skilful wisdom free of such stains,
It sports with the elements, yet is found nowhere.
How would scripture and lore shine their lamps
Upon that which has no name, form, or colour?
What would I say to anyone if they were to ask:
Whether the moon on the waters is real or illusion?
Lui says—how does one think what is unthinkable?
No thought may ever reach the refuge I have taken.
— Mahāsiddha Luipāda, c. 8–10th c. CE, eastern India
(Caveat: See this note for this kind of poetic translation.)